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Corporate Civil Disputes & Litigation

Corporate Civil Litigation

Facing circumstances regarding Civil Disputes and Litigations can cause a major toll on you or your company. Depending on which side you are on, victim or defendant, can create a possible negative reflection on your behalf. That is why it is important to be willing to handle an unfortunate situation before it becomes a court issue. When said situation does become a court of law matter, the public may become a voice either supporting or fighting against the issue, then affecting your general or business reputation for either the good or the bad.

A Civil Litigation is the process in which civil matters are dealt with in a court of law to resolve an issue. Typically, civil matters can be a conflict regarding a relationship between people, such as LLC member disputes, a landlord and tenant or a contract dispute between corporations. In civil cases, the court of law is involved due to an individual or business filing suit against another individual or business. Before putting the matter in the courts hands, we recommend various steps to help benefit your stance. By partnering with JB Law & Associates, we will provide you with proper guidance to help you collect, file and defend your position before entering the courtroom. Having the right forms and documentations to prove yourself against any accusation can be very beneficial to your case. During the process, you will want to have a firm plan and strategy to prepare yourself for any surprises. Our highly experienced lawyers will have a strong plan to support you on your civil matter case that will help reduce any possible damage reflecting you or your business.

If you are facing a Civil Dispute and Litigation suit, contact our office to take advantage of getting a step ahead on your case.