Corporate Division
Banking — National banks and federal saving associations are among the most highly regulated institutions in this country, with many federal and state laws and regulations that govern their activities. In addition, members of the FDIC face routine audits to test their standards for safety and soundness. See, Section 39 of the FDI Act. A common misconception is that commercial and business-purpose loans are exempt entirely from the array of federal and state laws and regulations. Bank loan document reviews offer the opportunity for banks to evaluate the hazards of litigation and ensure the collateral attached to loan proceeds to protect their asset portfolio.

Corporate Division
Tax—Often clients face IRS tax audits or litigation, your daily business practices ensure a strong defense that determines taxable events are structured in your favor to eliminate tax liability. We advise on tax deductions, exemptions, credits, adjustment and refunds. From IRC 263A manufacturing cost, IRC 469 passive activity gains or losses, state sales taxes on manufacturing price versus retail price, estate tax valuations, and tax collection disputes. We devise tax resolutions, compromises and settlements for relief from tax debt.
Corporate Division
Medicare Medicaid Investigations
Medicare Medicaid Investigations — We make sure our clients are well prepared, especially in the area of governmental transfers to businesses by making them aware of compliance provisions in the law such as: Health Care Fraud (18 USC §1347); Anti-Kickback Statutes (42 USC §1320a-7b(b)); False Claims Act (31 USC § 3729-3733); STARK Statutes (42 USC § 1395nn); and Social Security Exclusion Statutes (42 USC § 1320a-7a). Recoupment Audits can be a threat to any medical facility, whether it is CBRF, local Medical Clinics, Dental Offices or Mental Health clinic, etc. making sure your billing practices and procedures are in compliance with these laws are paramount to protecting your business and avoiding allegations of fraud, waste and abuse charges.