Corporate Regulatory Agencies
Below is a list of regulatory agencies we defend against, including administrative hearings. We can help you overcome these issues and build a defense. We can also help you to prepare ahead of time and create a strategy to avoid running into compliance issues. By implementing the right processes and practices, you can avoid the pitfalls of regulatory agencies long before it can turn into a litigation. Contact us today to book a free consultation.
CMS: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services – Administers the medicare program and sets standards according to HIPAA guidelines for long-term care facilities, and clinical laboratories
DOL: Department of Labor – Responsible for the wage and hour standards, unemployment benefits and reemployment services. Administers and enforces more than 180 federal laws and thousands of federal regulations while promoting the well-being of employees, those looking for work and retirees.
DWD: Department of Workforce Development – Provides job services and training to help promote a diverse workforce to meet the employment needs of employers.
FinCEN: Financial Crimes Enforcement Network – In charge of collecting and analyzing compiled information regarding financial transactions. Monitoring this data helps to combat domestic and international money laundering, terrorist funding, and other financial crimes.
NIH: National Institutes of Health – Responsible for research in biomedical and public health. Conducts scientific research through IRP (lntramural Research Program) and researches funding to non-NIH research facilities through its Extramural Research Program.
DEA: Drug Enforcement Administration – Regulates and enforces laws regarding controlled substances.
DOR: Department of Revenue – In charge of collecting major state taxes and administering several programs that aid individuals and local governments.
IRS: Internal Revenue Service – In charge of administering and enforcing internal revenue laws and all related statutes. The agency’s mission is to collect the proper amount of tax revenue, at the lowest cost to the public, by efficiently applying the tax law with integrity and fairness.
FTA: Federal Transit Administration – Oversees safety measures and regulations regarding, as well as, provides financial and technical assistance to, local public transit systems.
OCC: Office of the Comptroller of the Currency – Regulates and supervises all banks in the United States to ensure the safety of the national banking system and fair and equal access to financial services for all Americans.
DFI: Department of Financial Institutions – Similar to the OCC, regulates and supervises the financial services system on the state level.
HHS: Health and Human Services – Enhances the health and well-beings of Americans and promoting advances in medicine and health sciences.
OFAC: Office of Foreign Assets Control – Administers and enforces economic and trade sanctions to prevent to prevent threats to the national security, foreign policy or economy of the United States.
SEC: Securities and Exchange Commission – Administers regulations regarding the stock market to help protect investors and the market as a whole.
DNR: Department of Natural Resources – Protects the natural resources of the state by implementing laws and regulations regarding land use, animal population control, and pollution.
EPA: Environmental Protection Agency – Maintains and enforces national standards under a variety of environmental laws with local government collaboration.
ICE: Immigration and Customs Enforcement – Protects the United States from the cross-border crime and illegal immigration that threaten national security and public safety.
OIG: Office of Inspector General – An organization that focuses on preventing inefficient or unlawful operations within its parent governmental agency.
DOJ: Department of Justice – Administers justice and enforces the laws of the state or country.
FDA: Food and Drug Administration – Protects public health by regulating and ensuring the safety of human and veterinary medicines and medical devices, as well as cosmetics and radiation emitting products.
OSHA: Occupational Safety and Health Administration – Part of the Department of Labor that protects workers by setting and enforcing standards that ensure safe workplaces free of hazards and handles OSHA citations and complaints.